The next few months from September through December are the budgeting and planning season for many organizations that operate on a calendar year. If you’re like many, these are the weeks when you are making your strategic and even tactical plans for your company, nonprofit, or association for the coming year. 


As you do, be sure not to forget your needs in the area of content and communications outreach.


Smart organizations know that the lack of effective messaging and communications can have costly consequences: a failure to connect with your key audiences; missed opportunities to build market share and influence; even hits on your reputation. All of these risks and problems could cost you and your organization millions of dollars. Isn’t it worth investing a fraction of that amount today to prevent those problems – and instead build up your brand and reputation? 

There's no one formula that works for everyone, but the U.S. Small Business Administration says the average small business should invest around 5 to 7 percent of their gross revenues in marketing, branding, and PR. In my experience, this formula works for nonprofits and associations, too. 


How much is 5 to 7 percent of your gross revenues, and are you investing anywhere near that amount in your brand and reputation?  Probably not – which means anything additional that you invest up to that point is likely to produce noticeable, valuable returns.

Where should you begin? Consider hiring a strategic communications consultant like me as one of your next steps. (Or of course, there are many good options in the market.)  

With a strategic communications consultant, for about the same price as what you would pay for one in-house comms specialist, instead of one person with one skill set, you can acquire a team with years of experience and professional resources that a small or medium-sized outfit usually lacks.

You can gain the insights and experience that the consultant has gained from a variety of clients, industries, and business initiatives.  

You can acquire the help you need on a flexible short- or long-term basis, as your needs dictate. You can also avoid certain labor costs such as health insurance and paid leave, which are borne by the consultant.

You will still need someone in-house who will interact regularly with the consultant and provide quality input. The consultant has no “magic wand” that can produce exciting PR results without your active engagement. You have to produce the sausage; we will help you sell it and make them love you in the process. 


But if you do hire a strategic comms consultant, I promise you will realize valuable results within a reasonable time frame. A smarter, better-planned comms strategy and action plan. A set of messaging resources and content pieces that make you proud because they are smart, eye-catching and compelling. And a targeted outreach plan that will make the right impressions on the right people.


Do those returns on investment sound like something you need? If yes, please give me a call. If it seems like we might be a good fit for your needs, I will offer you a complimentary hour of brainstorming and strategizing on how better content and communications outreach can work wonders for your brand and influence.